Yet I just came across Wowpedia's page for Legion, and I'm wondering if I can allow myself a small glimmer of hope. The main thing I'm excited about here, is the addition of Class Orders and a greater degree of individual identity for class specialisations. It appears that a long-held dream of mine might finally come true; that Survival will become a pure melee spec. The division of abilities into PvE and PvP versions is something we've needed for a very long time, as well.
The two and a half year period, from mid 2006 to Febuary 2009, was a personal golden age for me, in many ways unequalled before or since; and World of Warcraft was a large part of the reason why. A genuine WoW revival would be a tremendous shot in the arm for me, both inside the game, and outside it.
It's funny. I remember reading about how Adam West was never able to move past his portrayal of Batman, or fundamentally re-invent himself as anything else. I'm the same. I am James Osborn, but I am also, and will always be, Mirshalak of the Horde.

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